
Those Sling Photos I Promised

First, let me reitterate how much we love the sling! Although I am the main "slinger" in the fam..Chris definately uses it also. I have had a sling before when Luke was smaller and we didn't really like it. It was a different brand and it did not have the padded edges or the shoulder pad. I think these really make the whole experience so much better for both the big and small people. This one is a Nojo brand and I actually bought it used. I am sure you can find them online or around town.

Ok, now the photos.....

Above is the way we almost always use the sling....

Here is another option...back-pack style

Here is the back view..it really spreads the weight out very well across my back...

Here I am trying to show how he can sleep in here, but he is not sleepy so he keeps peeking out to see what the heck is going on!

I can carry Luke in it just as easily..he only weighs a few pounds more and I really don't notice much difference once they're in. It is Much easier to get Luke in though because he will just stand up and let me lower the sling around him and then "monkey" on. Zack will get there!

I can carry ALL my boys in the sling...no matter how big (or oddly proportioned) .



Angela said...

The sling looks really comforable. We used a front carrier until William got too heavy. I think the sling you have would have been better. Mabye I need to look into one. Sometimes William wants to be held when I am trying to do something else.

The last picture is too funny!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics and explanation...you rock!

Kristin said...

i had a sling for eva and i LOVED it... and that last photo cracked me up!

Gracencameronsmomy said...

Ok, the last one freaked me out a little bit!! I am glad you are all adjusting!

David and Janalee said...

Loved the last picture...very oddly proportioned indeed!!
Glad thing are going well.
Janalee-leaving in 9 days!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! I am leaving a breadcrumb so you know I was here! So ends my passive, anonymous wandering in Blog Land...
The sling looks awesome. Can't wait until I have a reason to use one one day.

Ann said...

love that idea. does it make you hot with all that material and your baby? Where would I get one. OH yah, and that last photo, just a bit freaky!! :0)