
Day 1 Taiwan, part 2

No Shortage of signage here!

Can you say densly populated?

Scooters are definitely the preffered method of transportation here. Almost no huge SUV's.

Even fearless travellers desreve a treat right!?!?

Well it is Sunday morning and last night we both hit a wall and fell asleep at about 6:30. The top three pictures were taken walking around after we went to the Handicraft Market, which was convenient but seemed a little pricey. We walked around the Cesar Park hotel(where we were going to stay) and train station area. I like the area the Howard Hotel is in better, it is much greener and less crowded.

Thank you so much for the emails and blog comments, we really enjoy reading them!!!


Stephanie said...

I am so excited for you. Can't wait to "tune-in" tomorrow for more photos!

Anonymous said...

It looks so interesting...I love your updates. Enjoy your day! We're looking forward to reading more.

Anonymous said...

So exciting. so glad you are sharing it with us. thinking of you. Debbie

Ann said...

Thanks for keeping us updated. I can't wait to see your first meeting. And yes weary travellers deserve a treat!! HOpe you enjoyed it.