
Another First.....and hopefully last!

We've had quite a bit of adventure around here!!

Luke has, at the ripe old age of 20 months, broken his wrist!

We spent pretty much all day at the hospital yesterday with our broken baby...The crazy thing is, he was so nonchalant about the whole thing (there was the whole head injury). But I don't think it was the blow to the head that kept him so subdued..I think he has just revealed a little bit more of himself to us....

Luke is quite the trooper. He has been amazingly calm. He's like "ok, I can handle this. No biggie. Cast shmast."

And I learned that I will not shrivel up and die if my child gets hurt, go to the ER hurt, get a cast on hurt.

Of course my hubs was a pillar of calm and confidence. He rocks.

We all handeled it very well and I am very proud of my little family.

So you probably want to know just exactly how this happened. How, you might wonder, could a stay at home mom charged with the care of just one small boy allow this to happen....

Take a look at these photo's and leave me alone!

Ok, so he stood on his walker aka "the toy of death" to try to let himself out the sliding glass door, then did a death dive onto the 1/100 of our house that isn't covered in carpet. (Yes, he does have a T@rget bag on his arm, we are trying to catch the little daredevil so that we may attempt to bathe him!)


Luke Martin said...

Poor little guy -- but the cast is going to be a big status symbol. He'll be the coolest kid on the playground!

Jen R. said...

Oh, you didn't tell me that today! I'm glad he's holding up well, and you are handling it well, as well! I haven't had to endure a major event like that yet!

Love the Target bag. He's a trooper!

Gracencameronsmomy said...

I just found your blog, poor little guy! I have read that things like that don't get to kids as much, because it something hurts, they just won't use it...Hope he is better soon!

Stephanie said...

It is amazing how kids can bounce back so quickly! I only hope he doesn't have to keep that cast on too long.

Kristin said...

AHHH! Broken stuff! Ugh!

Jake broke his wrist back in October and I swear, it took everything I had not to VOMIT up my lunch when I saw that freaky looking arm...

I'm sorry to see Luke looking so downhearted... HAHAHAHAH!!!

CJ said...

Hee hee! I got through SIX years without an ER trip or cast! He's made up for it since then!!

They heal quick!! Never fear!

Angela said...

Sorry to hear that Luke (and you) went through all of this. From the pictures you posted, it seems like Luke has gotten over whatever trauma he experienced. Awww...look at what I have to look forward to. :)


Anonymous said...

Poor little guy--keep the death toy away from him!! smile

Anonymous said...

It's sad that he got hurt but looks so cute running around in his diaper with his cast, looks like a hand full. children are so much more resilient than people give them credit for.